7 Things You Should Look for When Buying a Supplement, According to Dietitians


7 Things You Should Look for When Buying a Supplement, According to Dietitians

Are you walking in the supplement aisle lost and confused? Don't feel alone. Many people agree that choosing the right dietary supplements can be a daunting task. However, you’re about to get a simple, streamlined guide to help you navigate these challenging paths. This is your Dietitian-approved checklist for optimal health in 2024.

We've gathered the top seven tips that dietitians want you to know before making your supplement purchase. So, here's the deal: "Navigating the Supplement Aisle: 7 Key Factors to Consider According to Dietitians." Let’s get started.

1. Understand your nutritional needs

First things - you need to understand your unique nutritional needs. Each individual is different and will require certain nutrients more than others. So, speak to your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to get a clear picture of your needs. Remember that taking unnecessary supplements can be inefficient at best, and entirely harmful at worse. Therefore, understanding your nutritional needs is paramount in your health journey.

2. Research the company

In the world of supplements, not all brands are created equal. Some companies invest heavily in research and use superior ingredients, while others may prioritize profit over quality. So, before you make a purchase, do your due diligence. Look into the company’s history, their sourcing methods, and any third-party certifications. You must be supplement savvy to ensure that what you’re consuming is both safe and effective.

3. Check the label

The saying goes, "From Ingredients to Claims: A Diet" - clearly demonstrates the label checking. As mindful consumers, it is vital to note the active ingredients, per serving, and other added ingredients like fillers and artificial flavors. You should also check if's a USP or NFS (international certification for health and safety) mark. These symbols show that the supplement has been checked for purity and potency.

4. Bew outrageous claims

Be of dietary supplements that come with claim tags like "Miraculous effect," "Immediate result," or anything that good to be true. The FDA doesn't regulate dietary supplements like prescription drugs. Hence, there can be oversights in accuracy. Therefore, statements that seem exaggerated should be a red flag.

5. Don’t forget about food

Even with the best supplements, nothing replaces a balanced, nutritious diet. Real food comes with a multitude of benefits not found in pills: phytochemicals, fiber, and a bounty of essential nutrients. Thus, consider food first for your nutrition needs, and only supplement where necessary.

6. Be consistent

Just like real food, consistent intake of supplements is key to achieving. This means taking them regularly, preferably around the same time every to stick to the recommended dosage as well - more isn’t always better.

7. Consult a healthcare professional

Finally, always consult with a healthcare professional before introducing any new supplements. They can help assess your nutritional needs, guide you through the process, and monitor for potential interactions with other medications you may be taking.

In conclusion, for your 2024 supplement shopping, remember, your health is your greatest asset. You deserve only the best, so be a savvy supplement shopper and prioritize quality over quantity. And lastly, sure to incorporate these tips when navigating the supplement aisle. Make the right choices today for a healthier tomorrow!

Remember: be knowledgeable, be confident, and always make wellbeing your top priority. According to dietitians, choosing the right supplements doesn’t have to be a complicated process. If you heed "The Experts Speak: Top 7 Tips from Dietitians for Choosing the Right Supplements in 2024," you're already on the right path to a healthier, happier you.
